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Size: Figurado

Filler: Dom. Rep., U.S.A., Nicaragua

Binder: Dom. Rep.

Wrapper: Dom. Rep.

Country: Dominican Republic


As if the regular production Arturo Fuente Opus X cigars weren’t rare enough, enter the Destino al Siglo Amor, quite possibly one of the rarest in the Opus X stable. Roughly translated, the name of this cigar means “Destiny of the Century” and this was supposed to be released in 2012 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Arturo Fuente. Like most guests of honor though, the Destino al Siglo arrived a little late, but the wait was more than worth it. This Dominican puro uses only the finest wrapper, binder, and filler tobacco from the famed Chateau de Fuente.


The gorgeous Opus X band is embellished with a secondary band exclaiming how special this cigar is. The medium brown hue of the wrapper is perfect and the prelight taste is one of fruit and spice. With each draw a taste of raisins mingles with white pepper and cedar notes. These flavors play off each other throughout the entire smoke with each one taking the forefront only to switch to another.


The perfecto shaped 5 1/4 x 52 Arturo Fuente Destino al Siglo Amor may have been late for the 100th anniversary party, but that extra time has made one heck of an amazing cigar. The complexity in flavor and the impeccable construction makes this a full-bodied-cigar smokers dream come true. Each inhale brings more and more flavors until the next thing you know you are at the nub. This cigar pairs amazingly with a well aged single malt scotch. 


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