SIZE: Robusto 5X50
A Nicaraguan Puro, the Flor de Las Antillas cigars have been rated 96 by Cigar Aficionado, with the Toro winning the highest honor in the cigar world with the designation of Number One Cigar in the World for 2012.
A medium-to-full strength Nicaraguan, the Flor de Las Antillas falls under the banner of the My Father Cigars manufacturer. It's a Nicaraguan Puro and is produced by the Garcia Family under the personal supervision of Pepin Garcia who learned his craft in Cuba. The cigar is produced at the state of the art Garcia Factory in Nicaragua which is now one of the most expansive and quality driven cigar factories in the world. Launched in May 2012, the My Father Flor de Las Antillas is rated a massive 96 by Cigar Aficionado. This is a complex cigar just packed full of delicious flavors from rich cocoa and nutmeg to light pepper notes, and is highlighted by it's wonderful sun-grown wrapper
Flor de las Antillas ROBUSTO
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